Error Codes

If anything goes wrong with one of the components in the M365, a two-digit error code will be communicated by the ESC and BLE.

The green LED on the ESC will flash to transmit the error code. The number of long pulses specifies the first digit of the error code and the number of short pulses specifies the second digit. The BLE uses a number of long beeps followed by a number of short beeps to communicate the same error code.

If the BLE is working correctly, you can also use the M365 tools app to read the error code.

10: BLE Communication

Check the connection between the BLE and the ESC. If you're using a custom or clone BLE it might be bricked or sending wrong signals.

11: Motor Phase A Current

12: Motor Phase B Current

13: Motor Phase C Current

14: Throttle sensor

The BLE isn't receiving the throttle position properly. Check the connection between BLE and throttle.

15: Break sensor

The BLE isn't receiving the break position properly. Check the connection between BLE and break sensor.

18: Motor hall sensor

21: BMS Communication

The ESC can't communicate to the BMS. This seems to happen randomly sometimes. Personally I've noticed that disconnecting the battery from the ESC for a minute often fixes the issue.

22: Bad BMS Configuration or Password

Whatever that means, something in the settings section of the BMS memory is wrong. Use an ST-link to flash/fix the BMS. This can be caused when flashing via APP or using a "new" chinese BMS that has not been initialized. The error means that a internal memory-area has not been programmed, so the bms has no serial number and other stuff is missing. In case the BMS still communicates with an app and all the values look good, there's a patched BMS Firmware, to flash it you need a patched APK (which is only for BMS flashing!). See here for further instructions: (also take notice of the previous/following messages!)

23: BMS Not Activated or Default Serialnumber

The serial number in the BMS firmware is incorrect. Use an ST-link to flash/fix the BMS.

24: Wrong Supply Voltage

26: EEPROM/Flash CRC

27: Bad ESC Password

28: hS Mosfet Error

29: lS Mosfet Error

31: Program Error

35: ESC Serial

36: ESC Activation

39: Battery Temperature Warning

40: ESC Temperature Warning